I think I'm in heaven. I finally gave in and subscribed to MLB's online subscription service and boy am I kicking myself for not doing this earlier. Since this is regular season play only (plus archives, etc), with the 5-day risk-free trial, I can watch the last several games of the season for only $7.95 before the Yanks are in the post-season on TBS in a couple of weeks (I hope!). Totally worth it.
Out here in Ashland, Oregon, The New York Yankees games aren't on TV much and when they are, the utterly moronic duo of Tim McCarver and Joe Buck always seems to be announcing. When I was in NYC, I actually listened to Yankees games on the radio with the TV on mute to avoid having to listen to them. Yes, that's how bad they really are.
There is a real reason btw why Tim McCarver has such a high "annoying" factor at AmIAnnoying.com. His penchant for saying something completely wrong, inane, or obvious has resulted in sites such as I Hate Tim McCarver. Didn't realize how much I missed the YES network, Bobby Murcer, and Michael Kay until I moved here! It sure is nice to see them all again now that I've got MLB TV.
So, I'm drinking my Sun morning coffee, writing this blog, and watching the start of the Yankees vs Blue Jays. All I need is a decent bagel. Like I said before--heaven.