In celebration of Diva's 25th anniversary, Rialto recently released a new 35mm print that is making a tour of theaters in the U.S. Alas, I don't think it will make it to Ashland (lol), but I make break down and buy the DVD. (The soundtrack, which I've owned for years, is a must-own.)
I was lucky to have a family that loved foreign films. Jean-Jacques Beineix's Diva was one of the movies I saw when I was quite young, about 9 or 10. We used to go to the Little Art Theatre in Yellow Springs, Ohio and I'd always get a delicious homemade chocolate chip bar and mint tea. I saw many '80s indie classics there before I left home at 14 to go away to school--from After Hours to Tampopo to Sugar Baby--but none I loved more than Diva with its opera, car chases, and French New Wave cool.
Entertainment Weekly writer Lisa Schwarzbaum's lovingly sentimental review of Diva's 25th anniversary rerelease captures exactly how I feel about this film which is not only one of my all-time favorites, but it even started a new style of French filmmaking called the cinéma du look.
Don't miss seeing Diva on the big screen. Here's the tour schedule to check if it's coming to your town.