Soon, I'll be off to an island in the Mexican Caribbean called Isla Mujeres, named in 1517 by Spanish Conqueror Francisco Hernandez de Cordoba after finding several female figures close to a small archeological site, a temple dedicated to Ixchel, goddess of love, fertility, and the moon.
Am looking forward to swimming in the ocean with whale sharks and dolphins, hiking Mayan ruins, eating fresh grilled fish, and most of all, hanging on the beautiful beach *sans Blackberry*!
The picture here is courtesy of thegrizzatlanta who posted this on with the caption "From beach chair at Ixchel Beach Hotel's beach - not so bad?" Not so bad, indeedy, especially given that is the same hotel, I'll be enjoying! :) I'm counting the days.
UPDATE: My trip report has finally been posted! Check it out here and check out the photos from my Isla Mujeres trip too.